“When we extend a helping hand to someone in need, we contribute to building a better and more humane world. Let us work together to alleviate the suffering of baby Ghaith Mohammed by providing the necessary support for the surgery he needs.”

Case Overview:

We are launching this heartfelt campaign to support baby Ghaith, a precious 26-day-old infant born on June 9, 2024, at Sultan Idris Shah Hospital in Serdang. Ghaith has been diagnosed with Down syndrome, respiratory issues, and a heart defect. Since his birth, he has faced severe health challenges, requiring intensive care in the neonatal ICU due to the risk of heart failure. After being discharged, it was found that his weight was insufficient, and he showed symptoms of heart failure. A referral to a cardiologist revealed a hole in his heart, necessitating urgent medical attention. The baby has a large Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect (PMVSD) and a small Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) and (VSD) Hole in the heart causing heart failure

Family’s Financial Challenges:

Ghaith’s parents, originally from Yemen, moved to Malaysia 15 years ago in search of a better life. His father works as an assistant in various restaurants, earning an unstable daily wage, with a monthly income of around 2000 Malaysian Ringgit. His mother is a dedicated housewife, caring for Ghaith and his two siblings, aged 5 and 3. The family is facing overwhelming financial difficulties in covering the essential medical treatment costs for baby Ghaith.

Your Call to Help:

We urgently appeal to your kind hearts in this humanitarian campaign to support baby Ghaith and his family during this incredibly challenging time. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in providing the necessary treatment and care for Ghaith. Your generosity will help alleviate the financial burden on his family and give Ghaith a fighting chance for a healthier future.

Please join us in this crucial mission to save baby Ghaith’s life. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to this struggling family.

Your Support Can Make a Difference