Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills

27 distinguished volunteers actively participate entitled “Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills”

“Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills” 27 distinguished volunteers actively participate in the launch of the training program to qualify volunteers with a distinctive course entitled with Dr. Majid Saad

Wednesday and Thursday, 03-04/8/2022
27 distinguished volunteers actively participate in the launch of the training program to qualify volunteers with a distinctive course entitled “Voluntary Work Management Skills” with Dr. Majid Saad, project management expert, and generously sponsored by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth in Malaysia, represented by Mr. Majid Badawi during Wednesday and Thursday (3rd – 4th August) at the B Lot Hotel, and the days are still promising with more, so seize their opportunities
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills
Entitled Voluntary Work Management Skills